Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A House Full of Sickies and It's Mommy's Fault

It's been an exhausting couple of days. Yesterday was tiring. The kids were cranky and all I could think about was curling up under a warm blanket and going to sleep. SO - we had soup for dinner. Not even homemade. It was dry broccoli soup mix that I mix with milk and I put fresh cheese in it, because everything needs cheese - especially dryed out broccoli :)

At midnight or so...just as I was drifting off to sleep, Anika started throwing up. I don't think she actually woke up as I changed her, changed her sheets and tucked her into my bed because I was too lazy to remake hers. In the wee hours of the morning Traver was complaining because his diaper had exploded up to his armpits.

We all got up - way earlier than we should have - and I turned on the TV for the kids and sat there on the couch staring at the wall feeling like I've been kicked in the stomach or run over by a car. I'm achy, sluggish and grumpy.

The rest of the day went like that. The girls seem to be feeling OK, but Traver was an unhappy little boy most of the day. Luckily, T, a new friend of mine brought over some pasta for us last night that I reheated for dinner tonight. I went to grab the grated cheese out of the fridge and started putting it on the pasta when I realized...the package did NOT say Cheddar Jalapeno like it normally does with the white cheese with the little green flecks. It only said Cheddar Mozzarella. Mozzarella does NOT have little green flecks...and then the light bulb moment - WHY everyone was feeling so horrible today.

I've lost my appetite.

My 3 positive things:
1) I went for a walk around the lake, even though I was feeling horrible, and the fresh (cold) air did me some good.

2) I had a good talk with my sis-in-law today who is really good at listening and not being judgemental.

3) 7 11 has Lemonade Slurpees!!


  1. yay for lemonade slurpees, BOO for sick families! Lemonade slurpees taste like summertime! Thanks for the good chat last night.

  2. yummmmm..lemonade slurpees...may have to get me one
